SOLON TAX addresses the end-to-end functional requirements of all areas of public sector revenue management authorities including:

  • Registration and Taxpayer Services
    Flexible data model to register profiles for all individuals and companies with which the Revenue Authority has a relationship. Accounts are recorded whenever there is a financial relationship, and these are associated with obligations when there is a requirement to file or to pay.
  • Filing, Billing, and Assessments
    High-performance return processing capabilities allow to validate high volumes of tax returns and assess liabilities of taxpayers. Recurring billing features provide support for asset-based revenue streams.
  • Payments and Refunds
    Highly-automated capabilities enable Revenue Authorities to efficiently and effectively allocate payments from multiple payment sources using flexible payment distribution rules, and handle refunds, carry forwards, and offsets for excess credits.
  • Collections
    The configurable account monitor checks taxpayer payment obligations and recommends the most suitable collection and enforcement measures. A wide range of debt recovery measures are included in the solution.
  • Risk Analysis and Selection
    Powerful risk analysis capabilities to determine the potential non-compliance risk represented by the taxpayer. Selection of candidates for audit is done automatically based on configurable thresholds, or manually enabling users to factor additional elements into the actual selection.
  • Audits
    Proven audit support tools to support processes for establishing whether the information reported to the Revenue Authority reflects the reality of the taxpayer's financial affairs and, if needed, make necessary adjustments so that the basis on which the taxpayer's liabilities are assessed is correct.
  • Case Management
    Extensive case management capabilities to enable Revenue Authorities to model, execute and monitor an array of cases to manage applications, complaints, objections, appeals, enforcement measures and bankruptcies.
  • Web Self Service
    Flexible and high-performance portal application that provides an extensive range of taxpayer services, including processing of registration forms, filing tax returns, viewing account details and making payments.
  • Business Intelligence and Advanced Analytics Tools
    Comprehensive suite of business intelligence and analytics applications that deliver a full range of capabilities, including interactive dashboards, performance indicators for all aspects of the revenue management operation, ad-hoc analysis capabilities and sophisticated predictive analytics capabilities which enable identification of fraudulent taxpayers.